Charlie Jackson - Executive Coach

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Somebody Should Have Told Us!

… Yes! Someone should have told ME!! Jack Pransky expands on this in his book titled ‘Somebody Should Have Told Us’… “How come nobody told us how our experience of life is created – how we create for ourselves joyful or miserable lives, peaceful or stressful lives, beautiful or depressed or angry lives?” Why? Because they didn’t know! Our parents, their parents, teachers, coaches, mentors didn’t know. “If they had known they would have told us!” *

Unfortunately, most people still don’t understand how we create our reality and our lives and chase after solutions believing that we live our lives at the mercy of our circumstances…  from the Outside-In.

The famous blind adventurer, Miles Hilton Barber (whom I chatted to on a train to London) reminds us to… “start with our dreams, not our circumstances.”

For me, understanding that we live our lives 100% from the Inside-Out has been a revelation, personally and for my coaching work with my clients; the understanding that our feelings come directly from our thoughts and that it is neurologically impossible to experience an emotion without firstly having a thought; the understanding that we all have innate wisdom, love, well-being and much more which is accessible at all times when we quieten our ego mind and realise that our thoughts are not real. George Pransky (cousin of Jack Pransky) uses a metaphor that helps us to understand how this feels when he explains “Our wisdom is always playing like a soft flute in the background; the rest of our thinking is like a brass band. When the brass band is playing we can’t hear the soft flute. As soon as the band in our mind stops, even for a second, the flute-wisdom can be heard, because it never stops playing in the first place.”

The world-famous physicist David Bohm confirms this understanding when he tells us that “Thought creates our world (reality**) and then says, I didn’t do it… you did!” And adds “A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.”

And finally, Jack Pransky reminds us to realise that our innate health and wisdom with its natural intelligence is always hidden within us, just waiting to rise to the surface. “All we have to do is allow what we think we know to drop away, or no longer take it seriously, and this wisdom will speak to us.”

All asterisks * reference the work of Jack Pransky in ‘Somebody Should Have Told Us’

** An addition by myself